E-Card Application

Mathematics databases

2 results. (See in alphabetical order)

  1. 1. Applied Science & Business Periodicals Retrospective: 1913-1983 (H.W. Wilson) - EBSCOhost
    Applied Science & Business Periodicals Retrospective: 1913-1983 (H.W. Wilson) is an archival database useful for discovering important historical scientific studies, exploring controversies, finding papers by innovators, and researching the development of technologies between 1913 and 1983. Indexing and citations include book reviews and the complete files of Industrial Arts Index (1913-1957).
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users.
  2. 2. Ebook Central - ProQuest
    Ebook Central is the new platform for accessing the NSU Libraries EBL e-books and former MyiLibrary ebook collections. Subject content includes Science & Technology, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Health & Medicine. E-books are downloadable for offline reading in both PDF and EPUB or can be read online with the e-book viewer.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni.
If you have a current Broward County Libary Card, you can use your card number to get immediate access to these 2 Mathematics databases. Find out how!

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